Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It's nice to know that, in the eight days that I have left before I head off to the other side of the world for my horse riding trip with my friend MS, I will not have to be freaking out about spots in my brain. I had an MRI this morning (the nurse who accessed my port said "Didn't I just see you in here???" Answer: of course.), and everything appears to be stable. Not only that, but Dr Jason admitted that he was expecting a different outcome, i.e. the spot from last time would have been significantly larger and/or something else would've shown up, all of which would've meant changing (definitely) 1) my treatments, (possibly) 2) my travel schedule, (undeniably) 3) my peace of mind for the next month. But, instead, Stability! And so I get to travel with the relief of that.

Also, saw my eye doc yesterday, and the fluid mass that's distorting the vision in my right eye is reducing, so evidently the 30-second laser treatment helped!

And, today it's beautiful fall sunny outside, and so I'm heading out for a couple hours to attempt a fix on the yard. Which means I will pull out everything that died over the summer.


allyson said...

Woo hoo. Great news. We leave this weekend for our trip, so in case vacation zaps my memory, happy early birthday! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news Calin. Good to hear the Seychelles didn't have any negative impact and hopefully only positives. Sounds like you made it home with more money than you expected too, which is more than some travellers to this part of the world can say! Have a great Birthday, fun to have spent Ian's with you both. Sarah