Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today the resolution to my DVD problems arrived in the mail in the form of a program called PowerDVD. Yes, at long last, I can watch Baby Mama! Of course, after last night's marathon session of 30Rock, I feel like I'm related to Tina Fey. It turns out I'm not so good at self-regulating. Without Ian here, I didn't even try to go to bed—just watched episode after episode until I finished season 1—at 3:20am. Spackle slept pretty soundly through it all, there on Torpid in the basement; Hoover lay by my feet next to the couch and periodically stretched and looked up at me as if to say "are you [bleeping] crazy?!? Why are we still down here???" And, since I can't watch even good TV without doing something, I finished knitting two hats, too!

I tell you, even 2mg of Dex is a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[cracking up] Gurrrrl. We are peas in a pod! Self regulation is for... uh... someone else.