Last night I took my last Keppra pill. Keppra is the one that was helping me not have seizures; the fact that Dr. Jason deemed a new prescription unnecessary when the refills ran out seems like a good thing to me. I haven't had a new brain MRI yet, but I will in about two weeks. With Keppra gone, my medicine list now reads as follows:
Primary Therapies:
1. Herceptin: Engineered antibody, for Her2NEU positive cancers.
2. Taxol: Traditional chemo, made from yew trees
3. Navelbine: Traditional chemo
4. Pamidronate: For bone density
5. Lupron: To block ovarian function (keep estrogen down)
Premeds, so I tolerate Primary Therapies:
6. Dexamethazone: Keeps me from feeling like I have the flu with Taxol
7. Zofran: Blocks nausea
8. Ranitidine: Blocks stomach acid
9. Benadryl: Keeps me from having an allergic reaction to Taxol (also makes me LOOPY)
Things I am taking to counteract side effects:
3 times/day:
10. Glutamine powder: to assuage neuropathy, which makes my fingers and toes tingly and a little painful
11. Vitamin B-6: Same as glutamine
1 time/day
12. Bactrim: Sulfa antibiotic as a prophylactic against a pneumonia recurrence
13. Protonix: Keeps stomach acid down
5 times/week
14. Neupogen: The shot I give myself to boost white cell production
15. Epotin: Given at the clinic to boost red cell production
Meds for Specific, Finite issues
16. Fluconazole: 10 days, for a relapse of thrush (probably brought on by the juice I was drinking 3Xday with my glutamine. I have started mixing the glutamine just with water, which is gross, but less gross than a throat full of scales I can feel when I swallow)
17. Iron Sucrose: 4 times, to help my blood accept the Epotin to build more red cells. It looks like coffee in the drip bag. That is, it looks like the coffee I make. It looks like a double espresso. Fortunately, it didn't feel like that.
Wow, what an impressive list of meds.
You must have been taking Benadryl for a long time. I always thought you were a little LOOPY! :)
ha ha.
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