Monday, September 1, 2008

Snow Day

I went to the clinic today for my infusion, and the guy at blood draw told me it was tomorrow. I asked him if he was sure—I know today is a holiday, but I also know that the infusion room is open until 3:00pm on holidays, more than enough time to flood me with toxins, and I could've sworn I copied down my schedule correctly into all my calendars. But no, he printed out my schedule, and sure enough it says "TUES 2 Sept". That's tomorrow.

I was annoyed—somewhat because, while I don't mind having infusions eight days apart, I don't really want to have them only six days apart, and my next one really is next Monday. But more, I admit it, I was annoyed because I was wrong. I hate that, don't you?

Anyway, I called Ian up (he has the day off and had just dropped me off) and he came back to get me, and we decided to do a small driving tour of Seattle, ending at Alki where we'd drop off some firewood for our friends D&K for their backyard pit (the firewood had been collected from Mom and Marsh to be used camping at Wanapum State Park Saturday night, but we found out when we arrived there that wood wasn't allowed anymore for fear of larger fires). Anyway, we took our time getting to Alki, first driving through Georgetown and then South Park, where we'd never been. I like the looks of South Park. A bit gritty, lots of Mexican groceries and restaurants, small houses with big yards.

By the time we got to D&K's house at Alki, I was mostly resigned to my error, and the fact that I'll have to be infused tomorrow. After all, I didn't think I was going to get to spend this day with Ian, and now I get to. Mom, who taught school for 30-some years, calls days like this—when you thought you were going to have to do something and at the last minute find out you don't—"snow days", and she's always excited to have one.

I guess I am too.

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